Simulation of the Grover algorithm on single-mode optical cavities A.V. Kulagin (1), Yu. I. Ozhigov (1),(2) (1) Lomonosov Moscow state University, faculty VMK, (2) Valiev Institute of Physics and technology, Russian Academy of Sciences A supercomputer model of the Grover search algorithm GSA on asynchronous atomic excitations in optical cavities is proposed.The main entangling gate is constructed using a single auxiliary cavity; entanglement is achieved as a result of incommensurability of the periods of Rabi oscillations of an atom with one and two photons in the cavity. The resulting decoherence effect is taken into account, as well as photon leakage due to finite spectral line width and limited triggering time of the Pockels cell in the cavity. An estimate of the number of qubits for which this implementation of GSA can be successful.